Knowledge Updates

Observations while developing web applications and creating great software.


  • React Fibers, Scan, and Bippy ↗

    You may have heard of React Scan for automatically detecting performance issues. It uses Bippy internally. From the README:

    a react fiber is a “unit of execution.” this means react will do something based on the data in a fiber. each fiber either represents a composite (function/class component) or a host (dom element).

    fibers are useful because they contain information about the react app (component props, state, contexts, etc.). a simplified version of a fiber looks roughly like this:

    interface Fiber {
      // component type (function/class)
      type: any;
      child: Fiber | null;
      sibling: Fiber | null;
      // stateNode is the host fiber (e.g. DOM element)
      stateNode: Node | null;
      // parent fiber
      return: Fiber | null;
      // the previous or current version of the fiber
      alternate: Fiber | null;
      // saved props input
      memoizedProps: any;
      // state (useState, useReducer, useSES, etc.)
      memoizedState: any;
      // contexts (useContext)
      dependencies: Dependencies | null;
      // effects (useEffect, useLayoutEffect, etc.)
      updateQueue: any;

    Further reading and watching:

  • MariaDB Sandbox Mode

    Today I ran into a problem I’ve never seen before when moving MariaDB databases between systems.

    ERROR at line 1: Unknown command '\\-'.

    Quickly searching on Perplexity revealed the problem. There was a dump file compatibility change in MariaDB which introduces a new directive on the first line of a dump file to disable the execution of shell commands:

    /*!999999\- enable the sandbox mode */

    There are several remedies available.

  • BFS Interview Question and Pull-Ups

  • Berkeley Mono 2.0 ↗

    U.S. Graphics released Berkeley Mono 2.0. You should use it.

    Here’s Berkeley Mono v2 Condensed on my personal computer. It’s very nice.

    Pairs nicely with Ghostty and Fastfetch.

    More from X

    And on another person’s computer:

    Glyphs and FontLab

    Rasmus — the creator of Inter — gave advice on tools for creating fonts.

    Beautiful Grafana & Sentry

    Observability of US Graphics infrastructure is beautiful.