
Category: Internet

  • Hosting a nonprofit website for free with WordPress, Azure, Trellis, and Terraform

    I open sourced the WordPress stack and Azure web server infrastructure used for awakeningchurch.com. Azure can host WordPress at no cost because Microsoft offers $3,500 a year in Azure credits for nonprofits. You only need about $360 of these credits to serve a simple website with a staging and production servers. WordPress stack The WordPress…

  • Facebook engineer Jason Barrett Prado answers the question What was it like to help develop Paper? Paper was designed on a principle: content should be respected. Facebook is supposed to be like a glass through which you can see its contents. This has been an aspirational goal for a long time, but in reality many…

  • Three Talks

    I’ve been busy this month speaking at HackSI, YUIConf, and Bayjax. The videos will be available soon, but you can check out the slides now: Hacking 101: Build A Working Hack, for Southern Illniois’ first hack day Testing YUI Everywhere, how YUI runs 100K tests without losing our sanity You Can Test Everywhere, a combination…

  • Commas for Developers

    Brent Simmons pays attention to the details and gets right to the point: If your writing — in tweets and especially on your blog and product pages — is full of misspellings and improper capitalization and other errors, I will lose trust in you and your product. If you’re careless with language, are you also…

  • Back in 2012, Instagram Engineering wrote about sharding & IDs. I re-read it yesterday and this particular requirement for their ID generation system still stands out: The system should introduce as few new ‘moving parts’ as possible—a large part of how we’ve been able to scale Instagram with very few engineers is by choosing simple,…