
Reid is a toolmaker helping people write great software.

  • New Heart, New Mind

    New Heart, New Mind

    I used to believe I’d be remembered for my work. Not anymore. Life is about relationships with people, not bits. What’s valued is availability, truly caring for those around you, and expecting nothing in return. I’m being remembered for my love. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a…

  • The Joy of Doing

    The secret of happiness is in knowing this: that we live by the law of expenditure. We find greatest joy, not in getting, but in expressing what we are. There are tides in the ocean of life, and what comes in depends on what goes out. The currents flow inward only where there is an…

  • Node.js and Yahoo

    I kicked off NodeSummit today with a short talk about where Yahoo uses Node, why we continue to use Node, and the practices that help us use Node effectively. First talk of the day. I spoke a bit about a project I’ve spent the last year on: using Node to handle data pushed out of…

  • Eran Hammer on Node.js web framework design tradeoffs and why there is no “best” framework: If you haven’t read Netflix’s Node.js in Flames blog post you should. It is a great deep dive into debugging a node performance problem. The post includes useful tips that can help you solve similar problems. That said… My feedback…

  • Marco Arment writes about coffee lovers who look down upon Keurig K-Cups: We’re the ones who keep creating, replacing, Kickstarting, and spending top dollar on ever-more-specialized equipment, even when it differs from established products only in arbitrary or purely decorative ways that have no discernable effect on the actual coffee (except maybe prolonging the process…