
Reid is a toolmaker helping people write great software.

  • You can now debug your Linux-based Node.js application on SmartOS using a core dump. TJ Fontaine: Max Bruning and I decided we wanted to be able to load a core file from a Node.js Linux process and be able to run ::findjsobjects on it in mdb. If you run Node on Linux with –abort-on-uncaught-exception, you…

  • Collecting code coverage for executable scripts in Node.js is tricky. I’ve ran into this problem a handful of times at Yahoo, so I published a module that mocks stdin, stdout, and stderr and my experience using it in this post for Yahoo Engineering’s tumblr.

  • “Mr. Market”

    Warren Buffet, from his Letter to Shareholders, 1987 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Report: Ben Graham, my friend and teacher, long ago described the mental attitude toward market fluctuations that I believe to be most conducive to investment success. He said that you should imagine market quotations as coming from a remarkably accommodating fellow named Mr. Market…

  • Panther Beach

    Panther Beach

    A week ago was Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, which I spent visiting Panther Beach in Santa Cruz with friends. It’s not the most accessible beach. The parking “lot” is a patch of dirt off Highway 1 and getting down to the beach involves a steep hike. But it’s a great spot if you can…

  • Raquel Vélez (@rockbot) and CJ Silverio (@ceejbot) are the first hires of npm, Inc., joining @izs and @seldo. I’m excited for this team. Congratulations to all of you! If you’d like to join them, they’re hiring for a Senior Ops position.