
Reid is a toolmaker helping people write great software.

  • Status Board at Home

    Status Board at Home

    I have wanted my own always-on Status Board for years, displaying ambient status for things I’d otherwise forget. So, I made one. I used a free trial of Geckoboard to bring all of these stats together. The most useful part of this screen is the graphs on the left that come from RescueTime that let…

  • A cartoonist’s advice

    A cartoonist’s advice

    Gavin Aung Than created a wonderful comic around a quote taken from the graduation speech Bill Watterson gave at his alma mater, Kenyon College, in 1990. Watterson is the man behind the widely acclaimed Calvin and Hobbes comic strip. The entire speech is full of great advice. Than’s comic is based around this quote: Creating…

  • Coleman Vista

    Coleman Vista

    Yesterday’s view near Coleman Beach while driving from Jenner to Bodega Bay on SR 1. “I don’t need to see Him walk on it to know He made it.”

  • Commas for Developers

    Brent Simmons pays attention to the details and gets right to the point: If your writing — in tweets and especially on your blog and product pages — is full of misspellings and improper capitalization and other errors, I will lose trust in you and your product. If you’re careless with language, are you also…

  • Back in 2012, Instagram Engineering wrote about sharding & IDs. I re-read it yesterday and this particular requirement for their ID generation system still stands out: The system should introduce as few new ‘moving parts’ as possible—a large part of how we’ve been able to scale Instagram with very few engineers is by choosing simple,…