A week ago was Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, which I spent visiting Panther Beach in Santa Cruz with friends. It’s not the most accessible beach. The parking “lot” is a patch of dirt off Highway 1 and getting down to the beach involves a steep hike. But it’s a great spot if you can reach it. We got up near the tide pools and took these shots as the sun retreated on this winter evening. All shots taken with an iPhone 5.
npm, Inc. first hires announced
Raquel Vélez (@rockbot) and CJ Silverio (@ceejbot) are the first hires of npm, Inc., joining @izs and @seldo.
I’m excited for this team. Congratulations to all of you!
If you’d like to join them, they’re hiring for a Senior Ops position.
Three Talks
I’ve been busy this month speaking at HackSI, YUIConf, and Bayjax. The videos will be available soon, but you can check out the slides now:
- Hacking 101: Build A Working Hack, for Southern Illniois’ first hack day
- Testing YUI Everywhere, how YUI runs 100K tests without losing our sanity
- You Can Test Everywhere, a combination of my YUIConf talks from 2012 and this year
My testing talks reveal what I’ve been working on for a few months: yo/tests, a commit-based test report for YUI that helps us ship quality releases. Compared to Jenkins’ build-based test silos and build-based CI dashboards, yo/tests actually lets engineers know what’s broken by organizing results around commits instead of build numbers and hiding flaky tests and infrastructure.
Upstage is back
Upstage is my library for building web presentations. Created way back in 2010, before deck.js even existed, it’s the only presentation software I know of built on YUI. Last year I used it with getUserMedia to show multiple live demos of various tablets and phones on the big screen.
Since YUIConf and HackSI are right around the corner, and I’m speaking at both events, it’s about time Upstage got some love for 2013. I’ve switched Upstage from an Ant-based built system to Shifter, updated it to the latest YUI 3.13.0, and rewrote most of the README. It’s open-source under the BSD license. Happy presenting!