Yeti at YUIConf

Markandey Singh posted a short video of my YUIConf 2012 talk. Dav Glass is seen running around with a camera to show the audience YUI animation tests running with Yeti on various devices. Dav shipped 5 tablets, 1 phone, and an AirPort Extreme to California to make this demo happen.

The Write Code That Works talk demonstrated Yeti in the context of software testing’s purpose. I also presented a few approaches for testing efficiently.

After YUIConf, I landed a pull request to add Mocha, Jasmine, and full QUnit support to Yeti, making it more useful since this video. Thanks to Ryan Seddon for making that happen!

The full session video will be available in the upcoming weeks. In the meantime, check out the slides or the Write Code That Works blog post which was the basis for the talk.


  1. […] talk focused instead on the need for testing code entitled “Write Code That Works” from Reid Burke. This was a very popular talk that was highly rated by attendees. If you develop for the web, […]