
Category: Technology

  • Less than a week since the last release and as promised, Yeti 0.2.27 has shipped today with code coverage support. Yeti 0.2.27 provides first-class code coverage reporting provided by Istanbul. Simply use Yeti with the -c or –coverage option. By default, Yeti will instrument your code on-the-fly and show a brief summary. Yeti has ran…

  • Yeti 0.2.26 released

    I’ve released a new version of Yeti, the test runner we use here on Yahoo’s YUI team. Since August 2013, Yeti has automated 33,661,505 tests in CI for us. Today’s release prints useful feedback to stderr when Yeti is used in CI. It also includes a fix for issue #74 (Unable to serve error) and…

  • Facebook engineer Jason Barrett Prado answers the question What was it like to help develop Paper? Paper was designed on a principle: content should be respected. Facebook is supposed to be like a glass through which you can see its contents. This has been an aspirational goal for a long time, but in reality many…

  • You can now debug your Linux-based Node.js application on SmartOS using a core dump. TJ Fontaine: Max Bruning and I decided we wanted to be able to load a core file from a Node.js Linux process and be able to run ::findjsobjects on it in mdb. If you run Node on Linux with –abort-on-uncaught-exception, you…

  • Collecting code coverage for executable scripts in Node.js is tricky. I’ve ran into this problem a handful of times at Yahoo, so I published a module that mocks stdin, stdout, and stderr and my experience using it in this post for Yahoo Engineering’s tumblr.