
Category: Technology

  • Raquel Vélez (@rockbot) and CJ Silverio (@ceejbot) are the first hires of npm, Inc., joining @izs and @seldo. I’m excited for this team. Congratulations to all of you! If you’d like to join them, they’re hiring for a Senior Ops position.

  • Upstage is back

    Upstage is my library for building web presentations. Created way back in 2010, before deck.js even existed, it’s the only presentation software I know of built on YUI. Last year I used it with getUserMedia to show multiple live demos of various tablets and phones on the big screen. Since YUIConf and HackSI are right…

  • NodeConf 2013 was great. You should go. I learned a lot of new stuff. Yesterday, I applied things I learned there for the first time. I often write code that looks like something like this: var stdout = “”, child = cp.spawn(process.execPath, args); child.stdout.setEncoding(“utf8”); child.stdout.on(“data”, function (chunk) { stdout += chunk; }); child.on(“close”, function ()…

  • I have read a few articles about how PHP is a perfectly good first language and how it should never be a first. These articles are interesting because my first programming language was PHP† and I have been using it extensively since 2004. One thing is true: it’s really easy to get started with PHP.…

  • Check out the screenshots of TripLog/1040, The Athlete’s Calculator, and Handy Randy, new iPhone applications from PalmOS developer Stevens Creek Software. Via Gruber, who points out that this really isn’t a joke.