
Reid is a toolmaker helping people write great software.

  • Important update, May 9, 2013: Due to political unrest, this trip will not be happening this year and is tentatively rescheduled for 2014. All funds raised will be put toward a future trip. The original post is below. I am going to Zimbabwe for two weeks this July to serve alongside Hands of Hope Africa…

  • Douglas Gresham remembers the friendships of C.S. Lewis in the 1920s: Now friendship in those days was a bit different from what it is today; friends did not have to agree on everything and often agreed on practically nothing. They were people with whom you could argue all day and yet never get irritated or…

  • I’ve been thinking out loud this afternoon about how modules make Node.js successful with @ekashida, YUI’s newest team member. YUI is a powerful open-source library for developing web apps. Node and YUI both document their APIs very well. Unlike Node, we also have 250 examples to help people get started. Yet lots of people have…

  • Own Your Email

    Own Your Email

    If you’re reading my blog, you might be a professional working in technology. You’re likely to care about your online identity, and if you do, your publishing and communications must happen from your own domain. If you care about your online presence, you must own it. I do, and that’s why my email address has…

  • Write-only

    I’m taking a short break from most of the web and social media from February 13 – 23. I plan to share stuff, but I’ll be treating most websites as write-only. I’ll be working on Yeti at work (writing a lot of unit tests) and video editing at home (lots of Final Cut Pro projects),…