Neil Panchal of U.S. Graphics, who recently released the excellent Berkeley Mono 2.0 typeface for professionals:

Not a fan of “building in public” culture. You end up creating an average of all loud opinions, burn yourself to mediocrity by pleasing everyone—sacrificing originality. The end result will be made by the people for the people, not by the artist.

Feedback is useful if it is objective. It kills if it is subjective. Accept/Ignore either, it will chip away at your conviction.

I think a good operating scheme is 95% conviction, 5% feedback. Or may be even 99%.

The designer who voluntarily presents his client with a batch of layouts does so not out prolificacy, but out of uncertainty or fear. He thus encourages the client to assume the role of referee.

Paul Rand

In 1993, Steve Jobs recalled working with Paul Rand to create the NeXT brand:

I asked him if he would come up with a few options, and he said, ‘No, I will solve your problem for you. And you will pay me.’

Via X

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